No more worker’s blood for the sake of profit!

No more worker’s blood for the sake of profit!

PEO statement on accidents at work

21 April 2023

Another tragic fatal work accident has shocked Cyprus. Another worker did not return to his/her family from work. The causes and details of how this new fatal work accident happened are being investigated but it is certain that some employers, aiming at ensuring exorbitant profit, choose illegal employment of workers and the failure to take the necessary Health and Safety measures, thus putting profits before human life.

Unfortunately, the impunity and non-implementation by a large number of employers of the obligations laid down by law is also due to the inability of the Ministry of Labour to exercise effective and systematic control of workplaces.

The Department of Labour Inspection, as the competent government department charged with the task of enforcing the law, has a responsibility to crack down on the illegality and irresponsibility of employers who put profit before the lives and integrity of workers.

The Pancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO) once again calls on employers to assume their responsibilities under the law and to take all necessary measures to protect workers. Workers have the right to return to their families after work healthy, safe and fit.

PEO supports mandatory training for all construction workers and the issuance of the Save-Pass card as a criterion for employment in the industry, with the aim of reducing the number of workplace accidents that plague the construction sector.  

At the same time, we call on the government to properly staff the relevant government department and to take all the appropriate measures to fulfill its supervisory role in implementing the legislation.

No more blood for the sake of profit.


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