The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) organised an international teleconference on March 1 in solidarity with the people of Venezuela.

 Representatives of trade unions from 50 countries participated in the teleconference, while the Pancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO) of Cyprus was represented by the Head of the International Relations Department of the Federation comrade Pieris Pieri. Also present was the General Secretary of the International Construction Workers Union UITTB and the General Secretary of the PEO Construction Workers Trade Union comrade Michalis Papanikolaou.

In his introductory speech, the General Secretary of the WFTU comrade Giorgos Mavrikos noted that the WFTU on the basis of international solidarity stands on the side of the people and workers of Venezuela and condemned the imperialist plans of the US and its allies aiming at plundering the country’s resources. The foreign interventions must stop and he stressed that the international class-orientated trade union movement of the WFTU will continue to support the right of the people of Venezuela to determine their own future.

All the speakers in their speeches expressed their solidarity with the working class and people of Venezuela.

On behalf of PEO the comrade Pieris Pieri conveyed the solidarity of PEO with the struggle of the Venezuelan people for the right to national independence and sovereignty and the right to determine their own future without any foreign interference. Furthermore, Pieris Pieri denounced the unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of the Venezuelan people by the imperialist powers of the US and their allies. The Head of the International Relations Department of PEO pointed out US expansionism and threats against Venezuela posed a threat to peace and the peoples of Latin America, while the unilateral sanctions being imposed by the European Union are provoking additional effects on the people of Venezuela in addition to those provoked by the capitalist crisis and the ongoing the pandemic.


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