PEO Cyprus solidarity message with trade unionist Cliff Smith and the Roofers Local 36 union in Los Angeles

PEO Cyprus solidarity message with trade unionist Cliff Smith and the Roofers Local 36 union in Los Angeles.

The Pancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO) Cyprus expresses its solidarity with the Roofers Local Trade Union 36 in Los Angeles, USA and the trade unionist Cliff Smith and condemns the brutal blackmail and threats by the AFL-CIO against them as well as the demand to leave the lines of the World Trade Union Federation.

These actions violate the democratic and collective decisions of the members of the Roofers Local 36 organization of Los Angeles to participate and develop international action through the lines of the World Trade Union Federation and the international class-oriented trade union movement.

We denounce the threats and blackmail against the trade unionists and the anti-democratic practices of silencing the workers and falsifying their will aimed at weakening and splitting the trade union movement, submitting it to the principles of reformism and assimilating into the imperialist new order. Such methods cannot silence the militant voices and the need of workers in the workplace and in society to continue their struggles against injustice and exploitation.

PEO, faithful to the principles of class solidarity and on the basis of the decisions of the 18th congress of the WCO, stands by the Roofers Local 36 of Los Angeles, USA and the trade unionist Cliff Smith and assures them that they are not alone in their struggle against blackmail and threats.


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