The Pancyprian Federation of Labour – PEO conveys the class solidarity and support of Cyprus workers to the working class of India on the General Strike on the 26th of November 2020.

During the last years the working class in India, in a spirit of unity, has been resisting against the neoliberal policies of Modi’s governance by organizing massive and militant struggles and mobilizations. 


The forthcoming strike is the continuation of these struggles against   the antiworker, anti -farmer, anti- people policies which have caused to the people of India unemployment, deepening of impoverishment, attacks against trade union and workers’ rights, aggressive privatizations in sectors of the economy like electricity, coal, banks , telecommunications, railways.

Today the working class around the world is faced with unemployment, poverty, immigration and social inequalities created by capitalism’s impunity.

At the same time, when the world is being plagued by the consequences of the pandemic, the big capital and the other proponents of neoliberal policies,  they are trying to place the crisis on the shoulders of the workers.  

The road of class struggle is the only way for the workers and in this struggle you will always have the support and solidarity of the working class of Cyprus.

We fully support your demands for the  withdraw of  the anti-worker Labour Codes,  to  stop privatization process  of vital sectors of the economy,  for minimum wages  and pensions, for guarantee minimum support and decent income and food for all families.

Through our participation within the ranks of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), the international trade union organization in which our organizations are affiliated, we are actively contributing together to the struggle for a better world without inequalities and exploitation.

We join our voice with you and wish every success to your struggles.


Απόφαση Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου ΣΥΞΚΑ – ΠΕΟ

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