Mikis Theodorakis linked his history and struggles with the struggles of the Cypriot people and our People’s Movement of the Left

3rd September 2021, PEO Press release, Nicosia


The news of the passing away of the great Greek music composer and popular militant Mikis Theodorakis has spread grief among the working people of Cyprus. 

His sounds and music have accompanied and are still accompanying working people for decades in all aspects of their lives.  Where they earn their wages, in factories, on construction sites, in offices, in the fields, in their entertainment and recreation time, but also in their struggles for their rights and demands. 

Mikis Theodorakis was a great cultural creator of universal stature and dimensions, but he was also a great thinker and fighter for political and trade union freedoms, for a better and more humane world, without exploitation. 

He linked his history and struggles with the struggles of the Cypriot people and the Cypriot People’s Movement of the Left and honoured and supported with his presence mass popular mobilisations for peace, progress and independence of the Cypriot people. 

The Pancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO) pays tribute to the great artist, man and fighter.  His legacies will continue to inspire and his memory will remain eternal and alive in the immense legacy he leaves us. 


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