1 September 2021 International Trade Union Day of Action for Peace

1 September 2021

The World Trade Union Federation (WFTU), in memory of the millions of victims of the atrocities committed by Nazism, has established 1 September, the date on which Nazi Germany attacked Poland in 1939, as the International Trade Union Day of Action for World Peace

On this symbolic day, the class-based trade unions of our common homeland unite their voices in the struggle for the defence of peace, for a world without wars and imperialist interventions and for a peaceful and prosperous Cyprus, the common homeland of all its children.

Despite the fact that all over the world, societies and workers are suffering from the harsh consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, nevertheless wars and interventions are continuing.  Hundreds of thousands of people are being killed or starving to death because of the ongoing conflicts and millions more are displaced and forced to become refugees and migrate. Today, the Afghan people are paying the price for the imperialist interventions and destruction caused by the USA and NATO for the sole purpose of consolidating their domination and control of energy and natural resources.

The environmental and ecological crisis, climate change and the need to protect the environment are at the centre of attention across the world as extreme weather events are becoming a frequent occurrence with devastating consequences for working people’s lives.

The deterioration of climate change and the immense destruction caused to the environment as a result of the reckless exploitation of natural resources for profit, combined with the conditions provoked by the global economic crisis, are contributing to rising poverty and the intensification of socio-economic inequalities throughout the world, putting world peace in danger.

At a time when working people are facing job insecurity and unemployment, acute social contradictions and with predictions of growing poverty, states are spending billions on armaments instead of health, education and social welfare, while social and democratic rights are being curbed with the pandemic as the pretext.

The continuing division of our country, the economic difficulties, ongoing tension in the Mediterranean region, the danger of war and migration are the realities experienced by Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot workers.

The interest of the region’s peoples is served by understanding and cooperation for the peaceful settlement of any disputes, through dialogue on the basis of reciprocity and the rules of international law, and not by tension and confrontations.

Developments in Cyprus, but also in our region, confirm once again the necessity of reaching a solution of the Cyprus problem which will contribute towards the de-escalation of tensions and promote stability and peace in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The common struggle of Cypriot workers for a solution and the reunification of Cyprus is part of the struggles being waged the peoples of the whole world for world peace to prevail.

We reiterate our commitment to continue our common struggle for the reunification of our homeland within the framework of a bizonal, bicommunal federation. For a single state with a single sovereignty, a single citizenship and a single international personality and political equality as defined by the resolutions of the UN.

The policies of tension and provocations, the avoidance of negotiations and engaging in blame games do not contribute towards achieving a solution. The talks for the solution of the Cyprus problem should be resumed as soon as possible from where they had remained at Crans Montana, reaffirming the convergences that have been recorded and on the basis of the Guterres Framework.  The absence of dialogue, the creation of new fait accompli and actions that separate one community apart from the other will lead to the permanent partition of our country.

The pandemic and the unprecedented conditions that have been created highlight the common class interests of Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot workers and the need to intensify the common struggles and solidarity of the working people.

On the occasion of 1 September, we express our internationalist solidarity with the struggles of workers around the world and address a message of hope and struggle for peace and social progress, for labour and human rights and for the consequences of this crisis not to be loaded on working people’s backs once again.

Pancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO), Turkish Cypriot “Revolutionary Workers Union Federation” (DEV-İŞ), Cyprus Turkish Civil Servants Trade Union (KTAMS), Cyprus Turkish “Teachers Trade Union” (KTÖS), Cyprus Turkish “Secondary Teachers Trade Union” (KTOEÖS), Turkish Cypriot “Municipality Laborers’ Union” (BES), Turkish Cypriot “Cooperative Workers Trade Union” (KOOP-SEN), Turkish Cypriot “Eastern Mediterranean University Union of Academic Staff” (DAU-SEN).

“Progressive Party of the Working People” (AKEL), Turkish Cypriot party “Republican Turkish Party” (CTP), Turkish Cypriot party “Communal Democracy Party” (TDP), Turkish Cypriot party “United Cyprus Party” BKP, Turkish Cypriot party “New Cyprus Party” (YKP), Turkish Cypriot “Independence Path Party” (IYP)

“Bi-communal Peace Initiative United Cyprus” – “İki Toplumlu Baris Inisiyatifi”

“This Country is Ours” PLATFORM – “Bu Memleket Bizim” Platformu

United Democratic Youth Organisation (EDON), Progressive Women’s Organisation (POGO), Union of Cypriot Farmers (ΕΚΑ)


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