PEO Cyprus solidarity message on Palestine

PEO Cyprus solidarity message on Palestine

11 April 2023

Once again international public opinion is watching in horror the images of the brutal attacks waged by Israeli forces against Palestinians at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and elsewhere.  The brutal violence by the Israeli occupying forces against Palestinians is a continuation of the crimes committed by the State of Israel against the Palestinian people throughout occupied Palestine.

The State of Israel, despite the resolutions and decisions of the United Nations, with the connivance of the United States and with the use of force, is forcibly evicting the Palestinians from their homes and land in order to complete its plans of colonisation and for the consolidation of the fait accompli of the occupation.

The international community, and the European Union in particular, must act immediately and decisively in the face of the escalating crisis that threatens peace throughout the region.

We stand by the Palestinian people and denounce the brutal Israeli occupation and their ongoing crimes against humanity and international law.

The Pancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO) reaffirms its solidarity with the struggles of the Palestinian people and its steadfast support for their right to live in freedom and dignity in a free, independent, sovereign and viable state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.


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