Statement by PEO Cyprus on the inclusion of Cuba in the list of countries which support terrorism.

PEO joins its voice with the struggling people and workers of Cuba and expresses its full support for their just demand for the definitive removal of Cuba from the list of countries that allegedly “support terrorism”.

Not even the recent report of the US Secretary of State published on 15 May included Cuba among the countries that “do not cooperate with US counter-terrorism efforts”.

We all know very well that Cuba not only is it not a country that supports terrorism, but on the contrary, it is itself a victim of terrorism, since for decades the heroic people of Cuba have been facing the consequences of the unacceptable economic blockade imposed by the United States, as well as external interventions aimed at destabilising the country. 

The inhumane blockade aims at challenging the Cuban people’s right to determine their own future and forcing them to utterly submit to the US imperialist plans.

PEO once more underlines its steadfast solidarity and support towards the struggling people of Cuba and their just demands.


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Η ΠΕΟ συμμετέχει στο Mani Fiesta στην Οστένδη

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