Joint Declaration International Workers Day 2022

Joint Declaration International Workers Day 2022
Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot trade unions
PEO, DEV-IS, KTAMS, KTOS, KTOEOS, BES, KOOP-SEN, DAU-SEN member organisations of the WFTU in Cyprus
The working people of Cyprus are once again celebrating Worker’s Day this year too, the international day of struggle and solidarity of workers.
On this important day for the working class, we honor the pioneering heroes of the Chicago worker’s uprising who, through its sacrifices, became a symbol of struggle for the international working class. Their visions remain alive and timeless and unite workers all over the world.
We pay tribute to the pioneers of the worker’s movement of our country, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, who through the waging of fierce class struggles and in the spirit of internationalism and class solidarity, opened up new paths and achieved fundamental gains for the working class of Cyprus.
At a time when the wealth produced is immense and technology has advanced so much, social inequalities are becoming even more pronounced and billions of our fellow human beings are struggling to survive, facing unemployment, insecurity and poverty, while sharp price increases and the high cost of living are further aggravating working people’s lives.
Humanity has recently been following with anguish the dramatic developments in Ukraine, the devastation and loss of human lives. The escalation of armaments and increase in military expenditure are not the solution, but instead complicate the situation and endanger world peace.
The Cypriot working people, who for almost fifty years have been experiencing the results of the imperialist designs of NATO and its allies, express their support towards the peoples affected by the war and denounce the violation of international law and demand an immediate end to the war and the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukrainian territory.
On 6-7-8th May the 18th Congress of the World Trade Union Federation (WFTU) is convening, an important Congress for the working class since it is taking place in the new peculiar and difficult conditions that have evolved because of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine.
The member organisations of the WFTU in Cyprus will continue to support the efforts to strengthen it as the international trade union force that is resisting the onslaught of neoliberalism, that is leading working people’s struggles for peace and a society free from the exploitation.
With this Joint Declaration, we send out the message that we will not compromise with partition. We reiterate our commitment to continue our common struggle for peace and the reunification of our country.
For a just and mutually acceptable solution of the Cyprus problem within the framework of a bizonal, bicommunal federation, with a single sovereignty, a single citizenship and a single international personality, with political equality as defined in the Resolutions of the United Nations. For a demilitarized and independent state, without protectors and guardians
The talks for the solution of the Cyprus problem must resume as soon as possible from the point where they had remained at Crans-Montana, since the absence of dialogue and the creation of new fait accompli are leading to the permanent partition of our homeland.
With the solution of the Cyprus problem and the reunification of our country, Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot workers will continue our common struggles in conditions of peace and security within the framework of a united economy, with a single system of labour relations and uniform working conditions for all.
To defend and extend the labour and social gains handed down to us by the vanguard Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot trade unionists.
United, we continue the struggle against wars, for peace and social justice.
Programme of the joint May Day event in Nicosia:
● 10:00 a.m. Gathering at Freedom Square
● Speech by the General Secretary of PEO and General Secretary of AKEL
● March to the UN-administered buffer zone stadium (Ledra Pallas)
● Meeting and unification with the Turkish Cypriot Trade Union’s march and joint celebration of Worker’s Day


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