Joint Declaration of SIDIKEK Local authority and Semi-governmental worker’s trade union affiliated to the class-based Pancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO) and the Turkish Cypriot Municipality Workers Trade Union (BES)

Joint Declaration of SIDIKEK Local authority and Semi-governmental worker’s trade union affiliated to the class-based Pancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO) and the Turkish Cypriot Municipality Workers Trade Union (BES)
20 October 2021
A meeting between SEDIKEK-PEO and the Turkish Cypriot Municipality Workers Trade Union BES was held today at the central offices of PEO. The two trade union Organizations have a long history of fraternal relations and cooperation, given that they are organizations active in local government and both are members of the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU).

During the meeting there was an exchange of views surrounding the Cyprus problem and the problems working people are facing.
The two Organisations note that workers all over the world are confronted with the consequences of the crisis of the capitalist system and the Covid pandemic. Working people are suffering from the consequences of the neoliberal austerity policies being pursued, unemployment, impoverishment and social inequalities. With the pandemic being used as a pretext, social and democratic rights are being curbed. The process of deregulation of work and labour relations is accelerating. The right to strike and trade union organisation is being targeted, together with the restriction of the role and validity of collective agreements.
At the same time, the imperialist powers are continuing their interventions aimed at imposing their designs and controlling the rich-producing resources. The ongoing wars are leading the peoples to bloodshed, spreading death, displacing millions of people as refugees and forcing them to migrate.
The spread of the pandemic has also created unprecedented conditions for our country, highlighting even more the common class interests of Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot workers, as well as the need to intensify the struggles and solidarity between working people for labour and human rights and so that the consequences of this crisis will not be shifted on to he backs of the working people and the poor again.
SIDIKEK – PEO and BES express their gave concern about the stalemate on the Cyprus problem, since the absence of any negotiations and the creation of new fait accompli are leading to the permanent partition of our homeland.
Bicommunal talks are the only way to reach an agreement between the two communities and for a solution that will reunite Cyprus.
The two Organisations reiterate their firm commitment to the search for a solution of bicommunal, bizonal federation with political equality of the two communities, as set out in the relevant UN resolutions, with a single sovereignty, a single citizenship and a single international personality.
The two Organisations agreed that with the reunification of our country, the working people, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, will be able to work in conditions of peace and security within the framework of a united economy, with a single system of labour relations and uniform working conditions for all.
Over the last period of time, the pandemic and subsequent measures that were taken, combined with the closure of the checkpoints, created practical problems and did not permit the development of joint activities between the two Organisations. Our two Organisations agreed to strengthen their joint actions to inform and mobilise working people. At the same time, the two Organisations will seek to inform EU institutions of the need for the solution of the Cyprus problem.
The two Organisations agreed to be in constant dialogue.
Regarding the organisation of joint actions and activities for the coming period, the two Organisations agreed to meet on 27 October at the BES offices to finalise the action programme for 2022.


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