The World Federation of Trade Unions has established 1st September 1939, the day when Nazi Germany attacked Poland, as the “International Day of Action for Peace” in memory of the millions of victims of the atrocities committed by Nazism. For working people this day is a day of struggle for a peaceful world without wars and imperialist interventions.

Working people around the world are confronted with imperialist interventions and ongoing wars, the exacerbation of social inequality, the brutal consequences of the capitalist crisis and attacks on worker’s rights.

The major problems of unemployment, mass migration and the tens of thousands of people turned into refugees, the growth of ultra-right-nationalist forces, climate change and the huge destruction of the environment are all issues that negatively affect balances in the world and endanger world peace.

On the occasion of 1st September, we express our solidarity and support with all the peoples struggling for human and labour rights, for democracy and the construction of a better world without inequality and exploitation.

Peace is a universal good. The common struggle of Cypriot working people for the solution of the Cyprus problem and the reunification of Cyprus is part of the struggle of the peoples of the world for world peace.

For the class-based trade union movement and for all the progressive people of this country in general, the solution of the Cyprus problem remains an urgent need. No gain of the working people can be permanent and stable as long our homeland remains divided.

The procedure for a solution to the Cyprus problem, which continued for a long time within the framework of the good offices of the UN and the principles that were accepted by the sides, was suspended at the last conference held in Switzerland. It is clear that the recent visit and contacts of Mrs. Lute in Cyprus as the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the UN signal a final attempt on the part of the international community for the resumption of the negotiation procedure from the point where it had remained at Crans Montana, with the goal of arriving at a positive conclusion and paving the way for the solution of the Cyprus problem.

It is our conviction that this effort must succeed this time for the good of our common homeland. The room for the reunification of Cyprus is chokingly becoming less, which is why the new effort must be given decisive support by the working people and society in general, and with the most energetic and mass intervention as possible of the popular factor.

Today we once again call on both leaders to avoid making accusations against each other and to work with mutual goodwill and determination for a solution based on principles that will serve the interests of all Cypriots.

We want to reiterate our commitment to a mutually acceptable bi-zonal, bi-communal federal solution that respects the rights of both communities with a single sovereignty, a single citizenship and a single international personality and with political equality of the two communities as set out in the relevant decisions the United Nations.

On the occasion of 1st September, our Organizations address an appeal to all political and social organizations for unity, coordination and joint action around the common goal of a solution and the reunification of our country.

Towards this end, the Organizations decided to take the initiative to call on trade unions, political parties and mass social organizations representing Cypriots, Greek Cypriots, Turkish Cypriots, Armenians, Maronites and Latins and who share the common concern about the future of peace in our country, to take part in a broad and representative meeting in September with the aim of holding a mass and popular bicommunal mobilization to be organized in the beginning of October.




Υπογράφηκε η ανανεωμένη Σύμβαση λιμενεργατών-σημειωτών

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