PEO Cyprus message of solidarity with the strike in Italy on May 26

PEO Cyprus message of solidarity with the strike in Italy on May 26

The Pancyprian Federation of Labour PEO Cyprus expresses its class solidarity with the general strike in Italy on May 26, 2023.

The anti-labour neoliberal policies imposed by the European Union and increased social inequalities, poverty and exploitation at a time when high prices and inflation have crushed the living standards of workers   Millions of workers suffer from the constant deterioration of working conditions, the imposition of precariousness and flexibility, and they see social rights such as the right to health and housing being dismantled.

In the face of this dramatic social situation, the workers with their mobilizations throughout Europe are sending the message that they will not burdened on their shoulders  the burden of the new capitalist crisis and the cost of military spendings of the war. 

We join our voice with the working class of Italy and the USB and support the demands for full respect for labour rights and gains, implementation of trade union freedoms and wages linked to real inflation.

We assure you that we stand by you and support your struggles. 


Ολοκλήρωση της Παγκύπριας Συνδιάσκεψης του Γραφείου Εργατικής Νεολαίας της ΠΕΟ

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