PEO Cyprus message on the loss of Haidar Ibrahim

PEO Cyprus message on the loss of Haidar Ibrahim

The Pancyprian Federation of Labor PEO has been informed with great sadness of the loss of the historic leader of the General Union of Palestinian Workers and pioneering fighter in the struggles of the Palestinian people, Haidar Ibrahim.

Haidar Ibrahim was an important figure in the struggle of Palestinian workers against the Israeli occupation and for an independent state. 

Faithful to the principles of the class trade union movement and proletarian internationalism,  through the ranks of the WFTU he had significant internationalist activity, was a member of the Presidential Council and for more than 25 years held the position of vice-president.

He was a firm supporter of the struggles of the Cypriot people and in the joint actions of the Cypriot and Palestinian workers he reaffirmed his solidarity until the final vindication of the struggles of our peoples.

PEO  expresses its deepest condolences and solidarity to the family of Haidar Ibrahim, and to the workers of Palestine.

We stand with the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation and their struggle for a free and independent Palestine!


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