PEO supports the demonstration against the British Bases

PEO supports the demonstration against the British Bases



9 January 2024

The Pancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO) supports the demonstration against the British Bases at Akrotiri being organised by the Cyprus Peace Council (CPC) on Sunday 14 January 2024, at 11:00 am.

The demonstration is being organised in response to the support the British military bases give to the Israeli army’s bombing of Gaza.

PEO calls on its members and all working people to join the demonstration to denounce the air strikes that are being carried out from the British bases and the transfer of arms to support the Israeli army’s operations in the Gaza Strip.

We are struggling to make Cyprus a bridge of peace and cooperation between the peoples, not an aggressive launching pad for warplanes to kill civilians in Palestine. The Cypriot people do not want the British military bases in their country and we demand their closure.

We also denounce the illegal presence of the US military in our country.

We demand an end to Cyprus’ involvement through the British bases in the ongoing genocide being committed against the Palestinian people. We also demand an immediate ceasefire and for humanitarian aid to be rendered to Gaza.

We call for freedom for Palestine and support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, as set out in the relevant UN resolutions.

We demand that the Government of the Republic of Cyprus ask for explanations about the military activities of the British bases and that it expresses in practice Cyprus’ solidarity with the Palestinian people.


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