The strike continues in the company Anytime in Cyprus for the third week.

The strike of the workers of the call center of Anytime (Interamerican) continues for the third week after the illegal dismissal of the workers’ representative!

The cause of the strike that began on 9 March is the illegal and vindictive dismissal of the workers’ union representative, in the midst of negotiations for a collective agreement, without any warning. This dismissal is the third in the last year and the second member of the Pancyprian Trade Union of Service Workers (PASEY-PEO), which organizes the workers.

In a press conference held on March 30 by PEO, the General Secretary Sotiroula Charalambous stressed that the struggle that the workers of the insurance company Anytime – Interamerican   is not only about their own case, but about the right of each worker to organize and demand regulation of their working conditions through Collective Agreements.

The illegal dismissal for union action has been reported to the Department of Labor Relations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Insurance, which notified the company a letter requesting the withdrawal of the dismissal letter. The management repeatedly refused to come to the Department for consultation, and when it finally did so it categorically refused to discuss the withdrawal of the dismissal.

Instead, in the week of 20/3, the company made a series of actions in an attempt to break the strike.  At the same time, he declined the new invitation of the Department of Labor Relations for a meeting, stating that it considers the matter closed.

Despite all the management’s moves, the workers remain committed to their struggle.

Solidarity from PAME

A message of solidarity with the strikers of the insurance company Anytime was sent by PAME to PEO. PAME held a symbolic protest event outside the company’s offices in Greece.


Έντονη δυσαρέσκεια και διαφωνία ΠΕΟ – ΣΕΚ – ΔΕΟΚ

👉📌ΠΕΟ, ΣΕΚ και ΔΕΟΚ, με κοινή σημερινή επιστολή τους προς τον Υπουργό Εργασίας εκφράζουν την έντονη δυσαρέσκεια, διαφωνία και ανησυχία τους για το προσχέδιο...